Tuesday, August 12, 2008


That's me. PAUPER. I haven't been this poor in a long long time. Fortunately, I get my first nurse paycheck on Friday, just in time for me to visit Winona AGAIN! Good times were had this past weekend down there and more good times shall come, I'm sure. Today I had a little mishap with my checking account but it cleared up within the day, which I'm incredibly grateful for because this morning I was just a worried wreck and I totally didn't bring my A-game to work with me. Tomorrow shall be different. Also tomorrow, mommy and I are going to look at a 1-bedroom on Cathedral Hill. It's in a building full of yuppies and law school students around my age in a very wealthy [thus assumingly safe] neighborhood. AND it's approximately 5 minutes away from St. Joe's! AND it has hardwood floors! AND they allow kitties! I would likely move in at the end of September and soon after get a KITTY. KITTIES. KITTIES. Kitty.

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