Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blowing snow blows.

I've decided I want to go around town and search for one of those "special spots" where I can sit, relax, sip coffee and watch the everything on the outside go on. The main stipulation for this spot is it needs to produce that feeling. You know, that feeling. The last place that generated said feeling for me was Mugby, and though I thought about it, driving down to Mugby today on one of those blowing snow days wouldn't be such a good idea.

And with that, I sit at the Cheeky Monkey, hopefully getting some good vibes and enjoying the people inside and out while I determine my top albums of 2009 list. To be continued...

Friday, December 4, 2009

sometimes i'm really bad at updates.

oh, so many months have gone by, dear bloggy mcbloggerton. one whole season. pretty much. i already miss riding my bike. i've got my lovely little xmas decorations up.

tangent: where on earth did the kardashians come from and how the hell did they get so famous?

another tangent: wife swap is awesome. especially when eco-friendly hippies who don't use toilet paper clash with prudes infatuated with poodles.

work has been rather unbelievably busy, administration is unbearable

yet another tangent: despite the times, every cleaning product commerical still features a woman. that's a little sad. and of course the biggest culprit of these ads? wal-mart, woot!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Addison's Disease!

I totally got the Mystery Diagnosis today, and I don't even like endocrinology.  If JFK hadn't been shot, he would have died of Addison's disease. 

In any event, summer is pretty much over.  Saddening, but it's been a quality one.  Twins games, Rock the Garden, Lolla, and lots of biking.  Also, it's certainly nice to have more people in and around the vicinity of les villes for with to hang out.

Switching gears now to fall: Leaves.  Sweaters.  Boots.  Football.  Swine Flu.  And hopefully more hanging out with people more often.  One thing I do regret from the summer is keeping up communication with numerous people.  Yay fall!  That is all.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

whilst on twitter...

The New Musical Express via a Dandy Warhols tweet: "it would be terrible if the US became like Holland, where marijuana use is legal and everyone is educated and rides bikes."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

thought of the day

Lara: "why don't i watch the daily show more often"
Jake: "because you hate laughter and joy"
Jake: "and the look of a child's smile"
Jake: "and the smell of flowers"
Jake: "and the taste of honeymelon after a cool summer rain"
Lara: "that is true, i don't like melon."

Monday, May 18, 2009


Trail Mix as we know it today was invented in San Francisco in 1968.  Trail Mix.  SF.  Prime Hippie Era.  Really, I'm shocked.  Truly, I should not be so into Unwrapped on the Food Network.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

THIS is my new favorite thing in the whole world.  Partly because I love Mary Lucia herself and I want to be just like her when I grow up, and partly because she visits the farm, and mostly because she loves cats and I named mine after her.  Geeking.  Out.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

There is something just so wonderful about sitting on a computer at a coffeeshop.  Something that used to happen a lot for me in college but just doesn't happen anymore.  Mostly because I feel bad about leaving my cat home alone so often already...but then I rationalized with myself today that cats really don't give a shit either way.  Thus here I am.  Such a glorious day to be out and about.  

In other news, my two favorite french words are un cadeau and un velo.  I just love the way they roll of one's tongue.  

In still other news, I went to the doctor for a yearly physical and lady things.  So much fun.  I am a fan of my new doc, nice and younger aka lacking the title "Powertrip, M.D.".  And she lives in the mac-groveland neighborhood which automatically makes her pretty neato.  

In still more news, I have decided to brush up on my knowledge of things medical.  I'm going to load some of my nursing books back on to my computer, most importantly my pharmacology book since that is the class in which I paid the least attention.  Also, I was interested in getting my CCRN certification but apparently I need thousands of hours of bedside nursing in order to even apply for that.  I'll just keep working then.  

Sunday, April 26, 2009


*My new awesome MacBook has a dictionary.  I looked up the word mediocrity just to make sure that I was spelling it right and I stumbled upon "Mediocrity Principle".  Made for a good 7 minutes or so of decent reading and slightly more decent ruminating about.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

i really have to stop worrying so much

Despite the fact that my mental state has greatly improved since school ended, it's only too often that I feel like everything is going wrong when there really isn't anything's really fucking annoying.  Furthermore, it's really stupid stuff.  Well not stupid, well, yeah.  Stupid stuff.  It's exhausting.  Guh.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

very very bored.
nights make lara quite lazy.
back to the oc....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

this is not a haiku

when i watch movies and then don't watch them for a really long time i get sort of a stigma in my head to associate with that movie, for instance with eternal sunshine, i think i watched it during freshman year during those few months that were really shitty for one reason or another, and thus the movie received a negative stigma in my head and i haven't watched it very often since. then i picked it up for really cheap and decided to watch it and remember how fantastic it is. enough of that.

i've been getting really into golf lately. i watched the tournament at doral and got hooked on nick watney, this week i discovered sean o'hair and watched the fantastic brought-to-you-by-tiger-woods finale. its the perfect mix of relaxation and suspense to be endlessly entertaining once you pick a favorite or two and hope they do well. five or so years ago i would have said golf sucks and is boring. this is just another example of lara's individualized way of aging.

tomorrow i get a new computer! i'm breaking down and using some tax return money to buy a macbook. i've always wanted one and by always i mean since i saw how neato they were in college. also, i'm tired of always acquiring viruses from every other website i visit. also also, i get a free printer after rebate and i can still use my student id card for a discount on the computer and the in-store and phone tech support for three years! aaaand macs are just fun and neato and when i have one i will be a cool kid too. pretty soon you'll find me sitting at the spyhouse (not that i don't like the spyhouse) with a cup of tea (for here) listening/staring at my computer, my bicycle parked outside (because i bike to minneapolis all the time...) and i could go on and on with this, but i feel this is already overkill.

and with this said, no haikus tonight; i'm off to play some nintendo ds

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ok, so maybe a haiku every few days

rent was AMAZING
i'm fo shiz getting a mac

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

slept till noon (again)
more virus stuff; mac now plz!
last pottery day

pretend this is an hour earlier

bike bumperstickers
virus threat; i want a mac
father of the bride

Sunday, March 22, 2009

it seems i owe the world two haiku(s?)

since it is the weekend though, i'll just write one. for the weekend.

worky worky work
steak with the fam and twilight
my noisy neighbors

Friday, March 20, 2009

slept in until noon
errands in the Eag, good times
wife swap then bedtime

Thursday, March 19, 2009


After a not so intimate and detailed discussion with my sister about poetry, I've decided to set a goal. I shall write a haiku every day about my day. I believe it will be an entertaining and frontal-lobe stimulating way to remember things. Without any further ado, here is my first haiku.

Covered a friend's shift
Stroke symptoms mean overtime
Pizza Luce rocks

Monday, March 16, 2009

is it st. patty's day or st. paddy's day?

Never I mind about the abbreviation of tomorrow's festival, I'll be at work. And the next day too, so I can't even get shattypantsed. And I'm over it. Today was probably one of the most productive days I've ever had, like ever. Consisting of:

Meeting at work
Picked up grad school catalogue from the U (just looking...)
Enjoyed the weather at Como Park
Went poem-hunting
Bought a new bike
Joined my co-op (by far the most expensive bag of groceries I've ever had)

I enjoy my new bike. It's not flashy at all, very simple and very very LIGHT. Technically I am going to say I bought it with my investment monies from Mayo that they sent me in a check. I always enjoy random monies. That check gets deposited on Wednesday.

Now, fairly exhausted, I'm watching Pocahontas with my cup of nightly tea. I have become so predictable and, well, boring. I'm starting to love it.

On a side note, I recently watched Australia. Though unbelievably long, I found it enjoyable and not just because of Hugh Jackman. He sure helped though.

Monday, February 16, 2009

while anticipating my tax return....

Saw this at Northern Sun today, thought it was interesting.

With my tax return this year I plan to do three primary things and probably a lot more secondary things but these are my priorities: 1)Buy a new pair of glasses, 2)Join my co-op, and 3)Put $$ in savings. Eventually I need to renew my MPR membership too. I'm so old. And fuck-it all, because Jillian lost out on The Bachelor.

Also, how do I get rid of this box thing??

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


are loud, overwhelming, often sticky, and I don't want anything to do with them permanently. With that, I got a little misty when I found out about this. Finally :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

random songs make for good posts

for some unknown reason i am attracted to this song/video. maybe it's because of the neato prism-y animation or the catchy synthesizer. maybe because the singer sounds like James Mercer from the Shins. or maybe it's because it sounds like a mouse is singing in the background. all i know is i heard it on the current at 11:30ish last night and it has been in my head ever since.

in other news, i really need to start running again.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

something is just not right

And I'm not sure what it is yet. Right now I couldn't have a better situation: job, home, pet, life in order. But it's missing something. I've daydreamed a lot about my old job and the people I worked with and how awesome it was to go to work despite the long drive and hefty commitments. I'm pretty sure my nostalgia is overshadowing my current life/job/etc. Occasionally I think about how I would pull off packing everything up and moving down south to Roch or whatever to obtain what I abandoned, but then the logical side of me says that things will never be the same as they were. All of that being said, I want to elaborate on my mental life plan (because I have one always in my head at all times) to incorporate activities that I enjoyed "back then" and adapt them to my life now. Examples....?....public health, volunteering, and eventually career advancement. I've discovered a lot of little holes in my life and clearly I need to fill them one way or another, however cliche it might be.

And now, shout out to Lee from the Third Street Hi-Fi, who I was informed passed away recently....what an awesome vinyl music dude/beautiful human being he was.....