Saturday, January 3, 2009

something is just not right

And I'm not sure what it is yet. Right now I couldn't have a better situation: job, home, pet, life in order. But it's missing something. I've daydreamed a lot about my old job and the people I worked with and how awesome it was to go to work despite the long drive and hefty commitments. I'm pretty sure my nostalgia is overshadowing my current life/job/etc. Occasionally I think about how I would pull off packing everything up and moving down south to Roch or whatever to obtain what I abandoned, but then the logical side of me says that things will never be the same as they were. All of that being said, I want to elaborate on my mental life plan (because I have one always in my head at all times) to incorporate activities that I enjoyed "back then" and adapt them to my life now. Examples....?....public health, volunteering, and eventually career advancement. I've discovered a lot of little holes in my life and clearly I need to fill them one way or another, however cliche it might be.

And now, shout out to Lee from the Third Street Hi-Fi, who I was informed passed away recently....what an awesome vinyl music dude/beautiful human being he was.....

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